How it's made

Step 1 - Beginning
The process in which we develop products stems from a very basic premise; passion.
This is the reason we've decided to bring items from Rust to life. It's hard to find a game that has Rust beat when it comes to passionate players.
Based on this idea, we decided to bring two iconic items from the game to real life. The Auto Turret (Referenced Image) and the Hazmat Suit (From our Home Page).
Passionate customers are what allow us to create fantastic products.

Step 2 - 3D Modelling
3D modelling is the process in which we get to flesh out a rough idea and make it visible through programming.
We're able to see exactly what it is that we want to produce. In this case it's a very early 3D model for our Auto Turret.
We do this by hiring professional 3D artists to create high quality baselines that industrial manufacturers can use for a final product.

Step 3 - Sampling
After the completion of our 3D modelling, the job is passed onto industrial manufacturing partners in Shenzen, China.
They will make tweaks to the 3D model and provide solutions that work adequately with their complex machinery.
After months of going back and forth, we end up with a Post Production Sample (PPS).
Getting community feedback is very important, so we set out to see exactly what people have to say in regards to the price, quality, visuals etc.
We make changes under the guidance of criticism and end up with a final version we're happy with mass producing.

Step 4 - Injection moulding
Injection moulding is the process of utilizing massive industrial machinery (Which can be worth up to $100,000!) to create our figures.
While we don't own the injection moulding machines, we do own our very own solid steel moulds (Weighing over 300KG!) that operate within the machines, resulting in FIGZ!
By utilizing this complex machinery, we're confidently able to say that our products are both the best in quality & price on the market we currently operate in.
To read more about our product materials & quality, please read the section about it in our FAQ.

Step 5 - Mass Production
After the long process of ensuring steps 1, 2, 3, 4 are thoroughly thought out & completed, we begin the mass production phase of the project.
Based on market research, budget and numerous other factors, we determine an amount to be produced that works for us & our potential customers.